Ryan Loi (pen name 夜焱) is a Calligraphy artist. His works encompass strong imagery and evocative brush strokes, which are deeply inspired by his interest in zen philosophy, contemporary art forms and his roots in South East Asian culture. Under the tutelage of Japanese Calligraphy Master, Kimie Nagai 永井 公栄 (pen name 蒼椰), his journey began by studying the classic styles of Calligraphy and imitating the works of masters.
Having trained in various forms of western art, Ryan entered the field of design and advertising where his works have won awards in various international competitions. He plays a pivotal role in placing the Singapore media industry on the global platform, sharing the limelight with top players such as BBC Worldwide Global Channels, CNN, Sony Pictures, National Geographic, MTV Networks and Walt Disney. Currently, he is the Creative Director of Whitewood Creative Co. His Calligraphy works have been seen on television, theatre, musicals, restaurants, event exhibitions, furniture, commercial merchandise and private collections.
While being a multidisciplinary designer, it is photography and typography that has influenced Ryan. Transferring the play of light and shadow in Photography onto ink and paper in Calligraphy, Ryan seeks to capture the essence of a unique moment that is commonly found in both forms. The moment where the camera clicks; the moment where the brush touches the paper, a moment where creation is birthed. An irreversible action that is unique to moment itself.
“Every stroke of the brush is a step closer to inking an intimate connection between artist and viewer. That is where one soul awakens the other.” This is Ryan’s belief in Calligraphy.
To view his portfolio for Whitewood Creative Co., please visit www.whitewoodcreative.com

书法艺术家 Ryan Loi (雅号: 夜焱),擅以禅宗理念、当代艺术观和东南亚文化为素养,创作拥有强烈结构意象和深刻笔触情感的书法作品。师承日本书法大师 Kimie Nagai 永井 公栄(雅号: 蒼椰),他以临书方式,从古典风格开始,学习掌握和理解书法艺术的形式、气动与和谐感。经过不懈的努力,探索出书法之真谛在于以情感下笔,打破技法,回归人本的道理。
拥有西方美术背景,之后进入设计界,现为 Whitewood Creative Co. 的创意总监,Ryan 的设计作品在国际平台上屡获殊荣,也是新加坡传媒界踏上国际舞台的原因之一,与首屈一指的传媒机构如英国广播公司的BBC Worldwide Global Channels、CNN有线电视新闻网、索尼影业、国家地理频道、MTV音乐频道以及迪士尼公司共分天下。他的书法设计曾出现于电视、剧场、音乐剧、餐馆、展览会、家具品牌、商品、等等领域,并受到私人收藏家的青睐。
“书法艺术,是通过墨于纸上的舞动来完成创作者和欣赏者之间的触动。而所谓美,意即一个灵魂对于另一个灵魂的当下呼唤。” 这就是 Ryan 对于书法艺术所秉持的信念。
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